Monday, February 8, 2010


I wonder who is the most important person in parents lives.  I would think it would be their family, at least that would be my hope.  When my children go to school I hope that I keep clear communication between the teacher and myself and I do not rely on my Kindergartener to communicate with the teacher for me.  I received a note from a parent stating their student was to be a car rider until further notice.  I began sending him to the car rider line.  After about a week or so he started getting in my bus rider line. I showed him the note from his mom and reminded him he is to be a car rider.  I asked if he had another note from his mom.  He didn't even have a backpack, much less a note so I sent him to the car rider line. His mom called school later that afternoon and wondered why he didn't get off the bus. We assured her he was a car rider because that was the last note we received.  She quickly informed us he was now to be a bus rider.  If she would have called an hour earlier and told us that or not relied on her Kindergarten son he would not have missed the bus.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Needs Vs. Wants

I know it's been a long time since my last post, but since my last post I found out I'm pregnant!  My first trimester was full of normal pregnancy stuff...morning sickness and extreme tiredness.  I am hoping I don't take that long for my next post.

Last week I was reading a book and it was describing some of our basic needs.  We covered this in class at the beginning of fall, so I stopped and asked my class "What are some other things we need?"  One of my little girls raised her hand and when I called on her she said, "We need to learn to read because you said we can't have any jobs if we don't learn to read!" She did not list one of the basic needs we had discussed in class, but I did tell them you have to be able to read to have a job.