Friday, October 16, 2009

All in a Days Work

I am very lucky this year that I only have 18 students in my class (right now).  However, I am having trouble with teaching my students not to talk when I am teaching.  All day, every day I feel like I am saying, "Friends please be quiet, friends you aren't using your manners, friends we aren't going to learn if we keep talking".  Well, today I forgot to check out their Caldecott books and I forgot to put their behavior reports in their Friday folders.  At the end of the day I asked which student wanted to be the teacher while I finished these tasks.  I was going to let the "teacher" sit in my chair and choose students to sort pictures into categories on my SMARTBoard. I was checking out Caldecott books and I heard the "teacher" say "Now I know how Mrs. Wilkerson feels."  Her class was talking while she was trying to help them with the activity and she was feeling my frustration.

1 comment:

  1. I like this post!! Sometimes it is good for them to stand in your shoes!
